Academic Program Committee - College of Engineering

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Dr. Abdulnoor  Ghanim

Dr. Mohammad Alharthai

Dr. Gamil Mahyoub

Dr. Ahmed Maglad

Dr. Moustafa Abdulrahim

Dr. Abdullah Al-Homidy







  1. Developing academic programs and scientific curricula in accordance to the needs of the community and the labor market.

  2. Prepare a report on the status of courses in terms of availability and updating of course descriptions and adherence to models prepared by international academic accreditation and the National Academic Accreditation Authority.

  3. Propose and develop study plans for the program.

  4. Update and modify and develop the study plan.

  5. Review the characterization of courses and measure their suitability and achievement of national and international accreditation requirements and proposals made by faculty members.

  6. Propose mechanisms to review and evaluate the proposals for improvement and development submitted by the faculty members for all courses taught.

  7. Propose and develop mechanisms to consider requests of transfer to the department from other departments of the college or from other colleges in the university or from departments and colleges in other universities.

  8. Propose and develop mechanisms to equalize and calculate courses for transferable or transferred students.

  9. Follow-up the implementation of the new resolutions after they have been approved and prepare a report on the success of the proposed development in providing the actual needs of students to ensure the proper preparation of the labor market.

  10. Prepare a report on the difficulties of applying these proposed decisions and submit it to the QAAC to take appropriate steps.

  11. Follow-up and update course description forms at the beginning of each semester and group them in the prepared file.

  12. Identification of the training needs for faculty members and students to implement E-Learning appropriately.

  13. Prepare the annual program report and review the required improvement plans.

  14. Any other work and tasks assigned to the committee by the chairman of the department.