Registration and Exams Committee - College of Engineering

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Dr. Gamil Mahyoub

Dr. Abdulaziz Al-Shehri

Dr. Ahmed Maglad




  1. Setting the mechanism of admission of students in the program and the conditions of admission, considering the regulations and instructions of Najran University and the Ministry of Higher Education.

  2. Coordination with the Admissions and Registration unit in the college to prepare the study schedules and coordinate with other departments and colleges to teach the common subjects.

  3. Preparing and publishing final exam schedules and resolving conflicts and problems.

  4. Preparing the schedules of observations for the final exams and making sure that the examinations are conducted.

  5. Preparing and developing a mechanism and procedures to ensure the quality of examinations and ensure their review in order to determine the effectiveness of quality mechanisms and coordination with the QAAC to determine the strengths and weaknesses in the mechanisms of examinations and the extent of compliance of the faculty with the specifications and procedures of examinations and evaluation and propose ways of improving.

  6. Preparing and developing the mechanism and instructions of examinations and supervising their implementation and preparing reports to QAAC.

  7. Preparing a mechanism to review the examinations and their results and the level of quality of the correction process and the results.

  8. Ensure that the classrooms are ready for examinations in terms of chairs, lighting, air conditioning and everything that is needed.

  9.  Review the transfer of grades from inside the answer sheet to the external page of the answer sheet.

  10. Sign on the front page of the answer sheet.

  11. Handing over the answer sheet with the detailed statement of students ’grades, with an official signature of the academic advisor in the department to archive them.

  12. Any other work and tasks assigned to the committee by the chairman of the department.