Labs, Safety, and Learning Resources Committee - College of Engineering

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Dr. Mohammed Abo-Saq

Dr. Ibrahim Hakeem

Dr. Ahmed Abd El Aal

Dr. Mohammad Alharthai

Dr. Amer Fennes






  1. Ensuring the readiness of the classrooms and facilities assigned to the department in the college and reporting any defects and following up the repair procedures.

  2. Ensure that there is periodic maintenance of the Labs and replace the damaged equipment or components at the end of each semester.

  3. Ensure that there is periodic maintenance of the Labs and replace the damaged at the end of each semester.

  4. Equipping laboratories with the necessary furniture as well as appropriate educational and guidance methods.

  5. Monitoring the need for laboratories for devices and tools.

  6. Preparing and equipping the department's needs of teaching methods and techniques and following up on modernization and maintenance.

  7. To ensure the needs of the department for classrooms, meetings, and facilities for all activities of the department and students.

  8. Update and develop public safety measures and crisis and disaster response plans.

  9. Ensure that security and safety measures are implemented by all employees of the department and students.

  10. Supervising laboratory readiness for teaching and applying scientific research to students.

  11. Identify each laboratory with a sign in the name of the lab and the names and personal pictures of the masters supervising this Lab.

  12. Follow up on the department's orders with the college administration regarding scientific equipment and laboratory equipment.

  13. To maintain the inventory of the number of books and volumes of the program at the Central Library of the University

  14. Organize various visits to faculty and student representatives to libraries.

  15. Ensuring the availability, updating, and increasing the availability of students' scientific resources

  16. Submit all periodic reports to the QAAC.

  17. Any other work and tasks assigned to the committee by the chairman of the department.