Abu-Alkheil: Defending our country is a legitimate duty - وكالة الجامعة للشؤن التعليمية

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null Abu-Alkheil: Defending our country is a legitimate duty

Abu-Alkheil: Defending our country is a legitimate duty

The Ex-Minister of Islamic Affairs, Dr Sulaiman Aba Al-Kheil, confirmed that the colleges of Sharia at universities of KSA have an important role in reinforcing the students' awareness and achieving religious and intellectual security through providing the right Islamic teachings and sound principles of Sharia in accordance with the policies included in the Qur'an and Sunnah.

He indicated, during a lecture organized by the College of Sharia at the University of Najran, "The role of Colleges of Sharia in consolidating the intellectual moderation" that the colleges of Sharia, since its establishment, helped consolidate the love of the homeland and enriched the meaning of commitment and strengthened belonging to the homeland.